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FACE 2024 Awards ceremony

On the occasion of the Neuroscience Psychiatry Neurology Days (JNPN) the FondaMental Foundation presented the FACE Prizes (FondaMental Advanced Center of Expertise) 2024 to four psychiatric researchers.

Since 2014, the FACE Prize (FondaMental Advanced Center of Expertise), created by the FondaMental Foundation with the support of Boehringer Ingelheim France, reward of young clinicians, psychologists and researchers in order to help them produce an international-level scientific publication. This publication is based on the analysis of clinical and biological databases from the collection of data made by the networks of Expert Centers themselves coordinated by the FondaMental foundation. This price represents a real springboard for these young talents, by providing them with access to data and essential methodological support for their research.

By encouraging these young researchers, the FACE Prize stimulates innovation and creativity in the field of psychiatry. Beneficiary of a bonus of 2,000 euroseach winner will bring through their work new perspectives and innovative solutions to address the persistent challenges of mental illness.

The winners of the price FACE 2024

Thomas DIOT, intern in psychiatry (manager: Stéphane Jamain)

Our project aims to analyze the clinical and neurodevelopmental characteristics of bipolar disorder patients with a specific genetic mutation in the SMARCC2 gene, to understand why these mutations can lead to various psychiatric and developmental disorders. »

Ariel FRAJERMAN, psychiatrist and doctor in neurobiology, head of psychiatry clinic at Bicêtre hospital and associated researcher at INSERM (manager: Boris Chaumette)

Our study focuses on the analysis of lipids blood, like cholesterol or triglycerides, to predict suicide risk in patients with depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or autism spectrum disorder and thus improve their care. »

Maud APAVOU, Study engineer, member of the Translational Neuropsychiatry team (IMRB unit 955 – UPEC – Inserm) (Responsible: Ryad Tamouza, Marion Leboyer)

By analyzing inflammatory markers in patients with schizophrenia, we seek to identify “ inflammatory profiles » distinct depending on the age at which the disorder appears, in order to identify homogeneous subgroups of patients and to better understand the influence of inflammation on the precocity and severity of symptoms. Ultimately, the objective is to propose early therapeutic strategies to target this inflammation and improve the prognosis of patients. “.

Jeremy BERNARD, Master 2 Neuroscience student at Sorbonne University, member of the Translational Neuropsychiatry team (IMRB unit 955 – UPEC – Inserm) (Responsible: Ryad Tamouza)

“Our project seeks to understand how levels of inflammation, which vary depending on the degree of impulsivity of patients, can help identify different subgroups of people with bipolar disorder. By analyzing these “inflammatory signatures”, we hope to better define the characteristics of these subgroups to improve and personalize treatments. »

Fundamental press release of June 13, 2024


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