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Allergic to dairy products, this little girl died after eating pizza in the canteen

Emerson Kate, an eleven-year-old child, died after having a severe allergic reaction while eating pizza in January 2023 in the canteen of her school in Amarillo, Texas (United States). Several months after the events, the victim’s family decided to take legal action against the school, reports The Independent this Friday.

According to the complainants, the school did not follow the emergency procedure which is mandatory for children whose allergies are declared by the parents, as was the case of the student.

“If she had received rapid administration of epinephrine when she presented her symptoms, [la victime] would probably be with us today,” said a doctor quoted by the family. After feeling unwell in the dining hall, Emerson Kate went to the infirmary to get help with her dairy allergy. In the nurse’s absence, a staff member took care of her and called her parents to see if she could give her an antihistamine.

First aid actions by the grandmother

However, the student vomited this medication and his state of health subsequently deteriorated despite the administration of treatment to promote breathing. When the girl’s grandmother arrived at the facility, she found her granddaughter unconscious and attempted to resuscitate her. Emerson Kate was quickly transported to the nearest hospital. “I was told there was a small chance she would survive,” her father wrote on social media at the time of the incident.

Despite the efforts of hospital doctors, the granddaughter died two days later, as a result of her allergy. “There is nothing anyone can say or do to make this pain and pain go away… Emerson Kate Cole, I will never stop loving you,” her father said after the death.


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