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Health. Chronic migraine, a painful disease often unrecognized

Chronic migraine is a disease that can involve significant pain. How to recognize it? What are the consequences on daily life? How can we help patients live better with this pain? Here are some answers on the occasion of World Pain Day which will be held this Monday, October 21.

Migraine, a painful disease

In , around 11 million people suffer from migraine. Among them, nearly 870,000 have chronic migraine (1.7% of the French population). “Migraine attacks in adults last 4 to 72 hours without effective treatment and are characterized by pain, most often on one side, of moderate to severe intensity”explains Dr Christian Lucas, head of department of the pain assessment and treatment center at University Hospital. “They are aggravated by exercise, and often accompanied by sensitivity to noise and light, as well as digestive problems such as nausea. (in 38.1% of patients) and vomiting (in 16.7% of patients) According to Dr. Lucas, “Migraine is considered to be of genetic origin, with 180 genes identified.”

A very feminine population

According to Dr. Lucas, “Migraine affects women more; it can begin very early in childhood, but also in adolescence or adulthood. It affects as many little boys as little girls. At puberty, however, women are affected 2 to 3 times more than men. This is explained by estrogenic variations during the menstrual cycle which are a triggering factor. This is why migraine is a more feminine disease..

In terms of support, our specialist believes that “the first contact should be the general practitioner, who can handle most cases. If necessary, the patient can be referred to a neurologist, especially for severe cases. This specialist carries out an initial in-depth consultation and sees the patient again every six months or once a year, in collaboration with the general practitioner.”

Migraine and pain impact quality of life

According to Dr. Lucas, chronic migraine “is defined as a headache occurring at least fifteen days per month for more than three months, having the characteristics of a migraine headache at least eight days per month.” Its impact on daily life is not sufficiently recognized. And yet the disease significantly deteriorates the quality of life of patients both personally and professionally.

The pain linked to this chronic migraine can be very debilitating. “During a crisis, patients may be unable to work or carry out daily activities”specifies Dr Lucas. “On an individual human level, it’s terrible. It is an invisible illness because the ongoing suffering is hidden… Patients live in constant fear of future attacks, which can lead to anticipatory anxiety. This has a major impact not only on an individual level, but also on a societal level, with considerable economic costs due to absenteeism. Finally, migraine is often associated with anxiety and depression, particularly in severe cases, because there are genes common to migraine and anxiety.”

Unfortunately, migraine is too often unrecognized in our country. “Migraine is always linked to a disease of hysterics or lazy people. There are a lot of myths and prejudices about this condition and patients and some doctors consider that it is not a real disease. There are still misconceptions that it is a benign disease. Some doctors also share this erroneous perception. In addition, there is an element of fatalism among patients, especially if members of their family have also suffered from migraines. However, with appropriate care provided by health professionals, the impact on the patient’s life can be reduced.

Health professionals get involved

The French Society for Migraine and Headache Studies (SFEMC) is the scholarly society for headaches. Its goal is to promote and coordinate patient care, education and research in the field of migraines and headaches. To find out more,

An association and a site for information

The La Voix des Migraineux association supports patients and their loved ones, via social networks and messaging. Then, she insists on information, thanks in particular to her site. The association raises awareness “about migraine, its symptoms beyond pain, and its impact on life, to deconstruct preconceived ideas and obtain better recognition of the disability.” To find out more:

On the site, numerous resources are available to help patients understand their illness. The website provides information on the disease and notably offers a tool to discover the impact of migraine on daily life.



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