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Breast cancer: in committee, the National Assembly approves comprehensive coverage of care

The deputies unanimously adopted on Wednesday in committee a bill for the comprehensive management of care linked to breast cancer, presented by the GDR group (Democratic and Republican Left).

Objective of the text: reimburse “all care”, including so-called “support”. Hair prostheses of all categories and the renewal of breast prostheses can be reimbursed. An amendment tabled by Renaissance, however, excluded fee overruns, mentioned in the initial text.

It’s a victory for the 700,000 women affected by breast cancer » welcomed the rapporteur Fabien Roussel (PCF).

The most common cancer in women

The text is included on the agenda of the communist parliamentary niche on May 30. If it cannot be examined that day, due to lack of time, it could be proposed in a transpartisan law, the communist leader told the committee. “ Thank you for highlighting this issue. », Underlined the president of the Social Affairs Committee Charlotte Parmentier-Lecocq (Renaissance).

As stated on the Health Insurance website, breast cancer is, in France, the most common malignant tumor in women. A cancer that develops very widely (around 80%) after the age of 50. Detected early, it is curable in 9 out of 10 cases.


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