Flu, meningitis, health system in : responses from the ARS

is currently affected by a flu epidemic but also by a recent case of meningitis.

On a more structural level, Martinique’s health system, the state of hospitals and the lack of resources of caregivers are regularly singled out.

To answer all of these questions, Fabien Laleu, Director General of the Interim Regional Health Agencywas the guest of the RCI editorial team this Monday morning (January 20).

The flu epidemic

Concerning the flu epidemic which is currently raging in the territory and is deteriorating, he specifies that it is evolving less quickly than in mainland but that the health services are recording nearly 300 new suggestive cases each week.

We are in the epidemic phase and I remind you, for populations at risk, the most vulnerable, that there is still time to get vaccinated. It is possible to get vaccinated from any professional. You can go to a pharmacy, you can see your doctor. It is important to remember this for the most vulnerable people. We are lucky, in Martinique, to have vaccines available, with professionals available. It is also necessary to respect barrier gestures. When you find yourself in the presence of vulnerable people, fragile people and you think you have the flu or in any case flu symptoms, it is appropriate, once again, to wear a mask to protect others.

The case of meningitis

A case of bacterial meningitis was confirmed this weekend in Martinique, leading to the death of the affected person on Friday January 17. The ARS quickly deployed a series of measures to prevent any risk of spreading this serious disease.

Meningitis, meningococcus is a rare disease. The last death in Martinique dates back to 2014 and the previous death dates back to 2007. So it is a rare disease. Contagiousness is much lower than that of Covid or the flu. This is why if people have either a question to ask, or are unsure, they can call the telephone platform that the ARS has set up, which is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday at 0696 40 42 97). Depending on the person’s situation, we will either provide information on what meningitis is, or we will refer the person at that time to the fifteen for medical treatment in town or at the hospital.

The attractiveness of the territory

In the interview given to Cédric Catan and RCI, Fabien Laleu also raises the question of the attractiveness of territories, particularly for specialists.


For several months, we have developed a huge attractiveness plan that the ARS supports and finances. We are also lucky to be supported by a community which also makes it attractive for the return to the country or the lasting settlement of newcomers in the territory. In the health field, it works. We set up a concierge service called “Rimed”. Each time a doctor is interested in Martinique, either for a return to the country or a new installation, we put everything in place to welcome him, at the airport, we set up a rental vehicle for him, we look for accommodation, a crèche for the children, we help him find dual employment for the spouse. This concierge service has been in place for a year. This is almost a first in France.

More than fifteen doctors have settled in recent monthsalso thanks to the joint efforts of the Union of Liberal Doctors. According to him, there is still a lack, in certain specialties, up to 30% of the necessary staff.

The state of buildings and the hospital system

And attractiveness also requires quality equipment and hospitals.

Fabien Laleu also assures “that the La Trinité hospital reconstruction project is on track ».

He adds that the hospital modernization plan (more than 30 million euros of ARS, CTM and European funds) should be received during the first half of 2025 with work starting in March 2025.

TO LISTEN Full interview with Fabien Laleu, director general of the Interim Regional Health Agency



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