No, confinement linked to the HMPV virus is not planned in

No, confinement linked to the HMPV virus is not planned in
No, confinement linked to the HMPV virus is not planned in France

Pokepelle, lovyouss, kenzydonna, nevvers.edit, actu24tv1, flashhistoire2, .actudz… In all, more than fifty TikTok accounts have been posting alarmist videos on the spread of the HMPV virus in France for several days. Warning of an alleged confinement on January 15, 2025, some of these videos have more than 900,000 views. Often accompanied by distressing music and news montages, this content vaguely cites official sources in China or Europe without explicitly naming them or referring to the Covid-19 pandemic. For example, a video published by the clip.dehka account is captioned “Hugodécrypte announces a 2025 reconfinement” when in reality it is a report dating from 2020.

HMPV, kesako?

HMPV, discovered in 2001, is a respiratory virus known to cause symptoms similar to a cold or flu, such as fever, runny nose or muscle aches. “The human metapneumovirus is not a new virus,” insists Margaret Harris, WHO spokesperson, “it has existed since 2001.” According to her, “the youngest and the oldest are the most exposed, as well as immunocompromised people, that is to say those whose immune system is weakened”.

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Eric D’Ortienzo, doctor and epidemiologist at the ANRS, specifies: “A part of the population has immunity, but it can still cause asymptomatic, benign or, in rare cases, more serious forms”.

“This virus is not worrying”

Margaret Harris assures her that there is currently no abnormal increase in cases of HMPV in the world. And adds, “the WHO does not consider that this virus constitutes a health threat requiring exceptional measures, such as confinement. » Eric D’Ortenzio confirms: “This is a completely normal winter resurgence, similar to that of the flu or COVID-19. In France and Europe, it is mainly the flu that currently dominates. And insists: “in no case is this virus worrying. “.

Currently, there is no vaccine against HMPV. Eric d’Ortenzio advises simple prevention measures: “wear a mask when sick, sneeze into your elbow and wash your hands regularly. »



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