Suggested video What products are in season in January?
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Cold, flu or even Covid: virus season is open. In recent weeks, France has been on red alert regarding the flu epidemic which is increasing as the days go by. But then what are the right actions to adopt to avoid being contaminated? If hygiene rules are recommended, in particular washing your hands well or even wearing a mask, the doctor Jimmy Mohamed explained in an Instagram video the importance of diet on our health. The doctor revealed, among other things, certain foods to favor. Here are the ones.
Many doctors advocate the benefits of ginger or turmeric to boost the immune system. Know that if you don’t have one at home, it doesn’t matter. In fact, they are not among the most effective foods for preventing illness. In reality, no need to look far, to stay in shape, you should simply focus on…. Vegetables.
In a column broadcast on RTL, doctor Jimmy Mohamed explains that vegetables are particularly good for your health, particularly vegetables such as cabbage, parsnips, potatoes, carrots and beets. The advantage? They are less “rich in water and more earthy therefore more fibrous to provide satiety” before also adding that they are more “rich in vitamins to help us fight against winter infections”.
But why do vegetables have such an impact on our body? Doctor Jimmy Mohammed points out that researchers have shown that if you change your diet “by turning to a more plant-based diet, with more fruit, more vegetables, after two weeks you simply begin to change your intestinal flora, and therefore your microbiota”. Now, you may not have known it, but this microbiota that you will boost by eating various vegetables allows “then to create soldiers of immunity because the vast majority of cells of the immune system are simply in your intestines”.