the essential
For more than a month, caregivers from several cardiology departments at Toulouse University Hospital have been on strike to protest against the reduction of a bonus. They are joined by their colleagues from the cardiology intensive care unit who fear the elimination of the reception agent position. Several actions are planned this week.
After several weeks of mobilization, caregivers from several cardiology departments at Rangueil hospital and the thoracic surgery department at Larrey hospital are continuing their movement supported by the CGT union. They are protesting against the decision of the management of the University Hospital Center (CHU) of Toulouse to review the amount of their critical care premium.
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“We reduce our bonus by half but our work does not decrease”: cardiology staff at Toulouse University Hospital on strike
This bonus had been allocated to them for two years and amounted to €118 gross per month. Based on the legislative text, the management of the Toulouse University Hospital wishes to review the conditions for granting the bonus with regard to the working time spent with patients hospitalized in critical care. The services concerned (rhythmology, heart failure, coronary artery disease/valvulopathy services, thoracic surgery) being mixed, that is to say welcoming both critical care and traditional hospitalization patients, management considers that “the amount of the premium must correspond in proportion to the time spent in critical care to comply with the regulations.” From €118, it therefore goes to €59.
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Cardiology bonus halved at Toulouse University Hospital: “It’s intolerable and unjustified, I’m a nurse, not a volunteer”
A cut deemed “humiliating” for the staff concerned. “The work is always the same, we are not volunteers” testified a nurse during a gathering in Purpan.
Threat to the vows ceremony
“Other services are concerned, such as maxillofacial surgery, but also other professions such as hospital service agents (ASH) who intervene in critical care. We will continue to support caregivers,” says Julien Terrié for the CGT which plans to disrupt the greeting ceremony scheduled for Friday January 17 at the Hôtel-Dieu.
Another strike started in Rangueil, in the cardiology intensive care unit (ICU), not for the bonus but to defend the maintenance of a reception agent position. The movement is led by the South union. “The USIC receptionist is due to retire at the end of the month and the hospital administration wants to take the opportunity to eliminate this position. This reception position is essential, to make the link with the families, answer calls, prepare entry and exit files. In addition, reception positions are a solution for agents at the end of their careers who, damaged by their work, can no longer work in a service requiring services. physical efforts”, deplores Victor Alava for the Sud union Social Health.
Gathering in Rangueil
The management of the CHU confirms that “a project to redistribute the missions of the reception post is currently underway at the USIC, in anticipation of the upcoming retirement of the agent who occupies it. The importance of the missions reception in this service is in no way called into question; the missions will be distributed differently. Adjustments in the organization will be quickly presented to the teams concerned.
The strikers plan to gather on Wednesday January 15 at 12 p.m. in the reception hall of Rangueil hospital.