seven hospitals declared “in tension” in Alsace

seven hospitals declared “in tension” in Alsace
seven hospitals declared “in tension” in Alsace

The masks were out this Friday evening around the table at the headquarters of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) in , where a press conference was held to discuss the situation regarding the flu epidemic which is currently impacting the Grand Est, like the whole of . What should we remember?

A severe epidemic

“The epidemic is strong, very strong,” insisted Christelle Ratignier-Carbonneil, the director general of the ARS, indicating that the passages recorded in the 52 emergency services in the Grand Est were the highest observed in the last ten years . For the moment, the ARS does not have departmental data on the number of deaths linked to flu, but “excess mortality” is observed at the national level. The causes of this severity are multiple. “First of all, we have several viral strains circulating [3, NDLR] and which affect all age groups,” indicated the general director of the ARS. Combine this with severe symptoms (40° fever, exhaustion) and a population at risk (people over 65 and under 65 suffering from chronic illnesses, pregnant women, people suffering from obesity, home help, etc. ) poorly vaccinated (20% in the Grand Est) and hospitalizations are increasing.

Alsatian hospitals under pressure, but for the moment less in difficulty than others

This Friday evening, none of the Alsatian hospitals had triggered their white plan. Eight have activated it elsewhere in the Grand Est and 87 in France. On the other hand, seven establishments were declared under tension: in , , Sélestat, , Saverne, and Wissembourg. The “Hospital in tension” system allows them to carry out internal reorganizations to open additional beds, without triggering the white plan.

It’s not too late to get vaccinated

The general director of the ARS hammered home: “It is not too late to get vaccinated. » Especially since, for the moment, it is not possible to predict when the epidemic peak will be reached. The only certainty: “It’s not for tomorrow,” she added, recalling that the available vaccine is “effective on at least two of the three viral strains in circulation.” We still have to find some. In Haute-, pharmacies have reported stock shortages.



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