Flu outbreak: do not neglect barrier gestures

Flu outbreak: do not neglect barrier gestures
Flu outbreak: do not neglect barrier gestures

The number of flu cases continues to increase, in Luxembourg as in neighboring countries (a white plan has notably been launched in hospitals in Lorraine). An increase which could be explained by a relaxation of barrier gestures acquired during the Covid-19 pandemic, underline certain doctors.

“Patients have less of the reflex to wear a mask, we see some in the waiting room who come without a mask, we distribute them,” observes Dr. Urfan Ashraf, general secretary of SOS Médecins. “Barrier gestures, the reflex of washing hands, hydroalcoholic solutions, ventilating, are less recently: these are part of the elements of transmission,” he says.

But other factors also play a role in the spread of the virus.

The end-of-year holiday period increased contacts at a time when local doctors’ offices were closed, reducing the supply of care at a time when demand was increasing.

In addition, two strains of influenza coexist, A (H1N1) and B (Victoria), although they usually follow one another, and a third is growing in strength, A (H3N2).

This phenomenon reinforces the circulation of the virus, which this year also affects patients “younger than usual, older children and adults up to 50 years old”, according to virologist Bruno Lina.

Vaccination still important

This patient profile increases the demand for care, believes Dr Ashraf. “Very significant aches, headaches, dizziness, muscle and joint pain, chills, fever that rises to 40, it can be impressive for someone who is not used to it.”


“Sometimes the patient says to himself, ‘I’m coping well, I’m going to seek advice from the pharmacy.’ But when he doesn’t tolerate all these symptoms well, his reflex is: ‘I need a doctor,’ he says.

The authorities and in particular the Luxembourg Health Directorate regularly remind us that vaccination remains the most effective, in particular against serious forms of influenza and Covid-19.

It is recommended for people aged 65 and over, immunocompromised people, infants over six months old with comorbidities, pregnant women and residents of medico-social establishments.

How to protect yourself?

In addition to restoring barrier gestures and vaccination, simple actions can be taken to limit the spread of the virus as much as possible.

Se wash your hands regularly, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, avoid hugs and crowds or stay home if you are sick. Rooms in apartments can also be aired at least three or four times a day.



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