In Chinese Taoist thought, yang is action, movement, extroversion. Conversely, yin is inaction, passivity, introspection. Popularized in the 1990s by two Americans, Paul Grilley, kinesiologist and yogi, and Paulie Zink, expert in martial arts and Taoist philosophy, yin yoga invites calm and the easing of tensions. An hour of practice offers a beneficial and restorative break. During a session, only six to eight postures – seated or lying down – will be performed (there are around thirty in a hatha class). The goal is to hold them for a long time: two, three, four minutes, even five to seven.
An immobility which often proves unpleasant. This is why it comes with accessories (bolsters, straps), which allow you to find comfort in discomfort. Breathing is slow and deep to help release tension. The yogi is confronted with his own limits, he must accept his feelings, his emotions, and learn to let go. The goal is to achieve maximum relaxation, an almost meditative state. Here, we focus on ligaments, joints, connective tissues. Through this passive but high-sensation method, we particularly improve the flexibility of the hips and relieve tension in the lower back. Accessible to all, regardless of age and physical abilities.
Yoga nidra for better sleep
Nidra is a Sanskrit word meaning “sleep”. Does that mean we sleep during the sessions? It can happen! This form of yoga, developed in the 1950s by Swami Satyananda Saraswati (founder of the Bihar School, one of the most famous yoga schools in India), requires very few movements. The breathing exercises (pranayamas) are very light, and its practice does not require any particular physical condition.
The session is spent lying on your back, legs and arms slightly apart from the body, in shavasana (so-called corpse) position. Guided by the voice of the teacher, students are invited to turn away from external stimulation through meditation, visualization or even mantras. Done well, a yoga nidra session leads to an altered state of consciousness, similar to that of hypnosis. The experience can be disorienting, but you come away with a truly reassured mind. Highly recommended for people who are particularly anxious, stressed or prone to insomnia or nocturnal awakenings!
Light on yoga. Health of the body, peace of mind, BKS Iyengar, Harper Collins, 9.50 euros.
Everyone can do yoga, Marie and Philippe Amar, La Plage, 19.95 euros.
Yin Yoga. Letting go, meditation, simplicity, Cécile Roubaud, First editions, 13.99 euros.