An occasional treat is better for your heart than no added sugar at all

— Roman Samborskyi /

Sugar is often considered one of the worst enemies of optimal health. However, we must not forget that the human body needs sugar, and as long as it is not consumed in excess, consuming sweet does not do any harm. In fact, a study has shown that eating a treat from time to time is beneficial for heart health.

The dangers of sugar for health

Diabetes, overweight, obesity and heart disease. These problems are part of the long list of health problems linked to overconsumption of products with added sugar, such as sugary drinks, candy, baked goods and sugary dairy products. Indeed, research has largely proven that sugar is a terrible threat to human health if consumed in excess, and the danger it represents even surpasses that of fat. However, we must not forget that sugar consumption remains essential for the proper functioning of the human body.

As a reminder, sugar is a carbohydrate. And carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the human body. Glucose – a product of carbohydrate digestion – is essential for the functioning of the central nervous system. But the benefits of sugar are not limited to that. A recent study by researchers at Lund University in Sweden showed that moderate, occasional consumption of sugar can be beneficial for heart health.

— ilona.shorokhova /

In reasonable quantities, sugar is also good for your health

Indeed, according to the results of the study published in the journal Frontiers in Public Healthit is better for heart health to occasionally eat products with added sugar than to never eat them. So, contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to completely remove sugar from your diet to stay healthy. To reach these conclusions, the researchers analyzed data collected from around 70,000 individuals over more than two decades.

The researchers particularly focused their attention on the consumption of three categories of foods with added sugar (sweet toppings, sweets and sugary drinks) and their links with seven cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks and strokes. Surprisingly, the results of the analyzes showed that eating an occasional treat – like a pastry or a candy bar – is better for the heart than a sugar-free diet. However, this relationship does not apply to other types of sweet foods.

Moreover, it turns out that sugary drinks – especially carbonated sodas – have the opposite effect and are therefore particularly dangerous for heart health. Finally, the study also found that extremely low sugar intake wasn’t ideal either. People who avoided sugary treats completely had higher risks of heart disease compared to those who ate them occasionally. Although the results offer a nuanced perspective, the study authors were keen to clarify that the study in no way establishes cause and effect and that eating habits are highly cultural and specific. Besides, here’s what happens to your body when you stop consuming sugar.



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