Whole insects or fragments, rodent hairs and plastic fragments… The magazine 60 Millions de consommateurs has detected the presence of organic and non-organic impurities in certain teas and herbal teas found on supermarket shelves.
Suspected of containing pesticides and unwanted residues, industrial teas and herbal teas are subject to heated controversies in recent years. A recent study, published in the scientific journal Chemospherealso warned about the presence of microplastics and nanoplastics in industrial tea bags. Residues which would have negative impacts on intestinal cells.
In a previous survey, the magazine 60 Million consumerss also sounded the alarm by publishing an investigation carried out on industrial tea and herbal tea bags. After analyzing the composition of 16 black teas, 12 mint green teas, 10 verbena-based infusions and 10 detox infusions, the magazine detected the presence of biological elements (insects, rodent hairs) and non-organic (fragments of stone, metal and plastic). Find out the names of the references concerned.
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Insects, fragments of plastic or stone, rodent hairs: these industrial teas and herbal teas present suspicious elements
After looking for the presence of foreign bodies by optical microscopy, on 10 grams of products, the magazine discovered the presence of suspicious and unsavory elements in certain teas and herbal teas found in our supermarkets: “Almost all impurities are of biological origin (plant and animal), with a majority of insects whole or in fragments, especially in organic references. If black teas are very little contaminated, it is different for infusions in which we have also found rodent hair. Perhaps because some of the plants are collected in the wild, more exposed to animals; in addition, the majority of herbal teas in the panel are organic, therefore little or no treatment against insects and other pests.”
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The analysis of certain verbena infusions also revealed the presence “fragments of stone and plastic. These could probably come from the bulk carrier bags or the sachet”.
The list of supermarket teas and herbal teas that contain insects, plastic fragments or rodent hairs
- Le thé U Earl Grey revealed the presence of biological impurities.
- The truth while the Terra Etica also contains biological impurities.
- Cotterley mint green tea (Intermarché) also contains biological impurities.
- Les 2 Marmottes verbena infusion contains foreign matter, biological impurities and other impurities.
- Relaxing verbena Pagès contains foreign bodies and impurities.
- My organic Elephant verbena infusion also contains foreign bodies and impurities.
- U detox infusion contains foreign bodies and biological impurities
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As the magazine points out, the presence of these foreign bodies is not, or very little, regulated: “In the absence of regulations, teas and infusions must comply with the ISO sector standard, which requires a product that is unsullied and 'reasonably free from foreign matter'”. Recommendations which do not seem to be followed by manufacturers…
Head of beauty/fitness/nutrition sections
After working for the Marie Claire and Prisma Media groups, Inès arrived at aufeminin in April 2022. Responsible for the beauty, fitness and nutrition sections, she likes to decipher the latest…