what to replace the tablets with

what to replace the tablets with
what to replace the tablets with

In agreement with the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM), pharmacists are invited, if necessary, to substitute the tablets ofExacyl by Exacyl 1 g/10 ml drinkable ampoules. These two galenic forms of tranexamic acid have the same indications: hemorrhagic accidents due to a generalized primary fibrinolytic state, hemorrhagic accidents during a treatment with a fibrinolytic effect, hemorrhagic accidents maintained by local fibrinolysis, such as meno- and metrorrhagia, digestive hemorrhages, hematuria of lower origin or otorhinolaryngological operative hemorrhages.
The dosage for both formulations is 2 to 4 grams per day divided into two or three doses. The pharmacy teams must, when substituting, draw patients’ attention to the treatment methods with the oral solution, taking one ampoule being equivalent to 2 tablets.

The Cheplapharm laboratory indicates that the quantities of Exacyl drinkable ampoules “however remain limited”. The return to normal distribution of tablets should take place from December 23.




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