According to a study, this is the best appetite suppressant of all… and it’s delicious (for once!)

According to a study, this is the best appetite suppressant of all… and it’s delicious (for once!)
According to a study, this is the best appetite suppressant of all… and it’s delicious (for once!)

When it comes to the topic of food cravings and weight managementdietary fiber is emerging as a first-rate ally. Not only do they promote healthy digestion and help reduce cholesterol, but recent research by Science Transnational Medicine, highlighted by Beauty Testalso suggest that they could play a crucial role in the appetite regulation.

How does fiber affect hunger?

A study by researchers at Imperial College London has highlighted the link between fibre consumption and reduced feeling hungry. Dietary fiber, especially that found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, works by stimulating the release of a hormone called PYY in the ileum, a major part of the small intestine. PYY is known for its role in regulating appetite by inducing feelings of fullness, which helps reduce overall food intake.

Study results: understanding the impact of fiber on the body

The researchers conducted their study by having a group of volunteers follow different diets for several days. Using nasogastric tubes, they were able to directly observe how the high-fiber meals affected the participants’ gut microbiome and increased the production of PYY. This hormone is released in greater amounts when fiber is abundant in the diet, which helps reduce cravings and maintain a feeling of fullness longer after meals.

High-Fiber Foods to Fight Sugar Cravings

If you are looking for nutritious options for control your cravingshere are some practical suggestions:

  • Fresh fruits : such as apples, pears, berries and oranges, which are rich in soluble fiber and vitamins.
  • Crunchy vegetables : such as carrots, celery, cucumbers and peppers, perfect for healthy snacks.
  • Nuts : like almonds, cashews and hazelnuts, which combine fiber, protein and healthy fats.
  • Whole grains : like whole grain bread, brown rice, oats and quinoa, excellent for filling meals.

The health benefits of fiber

In addition to its ability to control appetite, fiber plays a crucial role in preventing cardiovascular disease and maintaining a stable weight. It promotes regular digestion, helps lower cholesterol levels, and contributes to overall gut health.

Incorporate fiber into your diet

By incorporating more fiber-rich foods into your daily diet, you can not only improve your digestive health, but also better manage your desires of sugar and reduce cravings between meals. Opt for a variety of nutritious options and experience the positive benefits fiber can bring to your overall well-being.



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