One year later, this Vannes institute supports 250 patients

One year later, this Vannes institute supports 250 patients
One year later, this Vannes institute supports 250 patients

Luc Valentin, gynecological surgeon and president of the Venetian Oncogynecological Institute (InOVe), looks back on the association’s results after one year of existence.

After one year of existence, what is the assessment of the InOVe association?

We are pleased with our results, since in 2023, we welcomed 135 patients. And to date, 250 women have benefited from our pathways. For 88.73% of patients, the first contact with the pathway coordinator was made at the right time.

Read also: Single number, information workshops… In Vannes, women are monitored from the moment they are diagnosed with cancer

What services does the association offer?

The services are numerous, thanks to our multidisciplinary team of specialist health professionals. We provide a team of professionals, who provide medical, psychological and social monitoring. We also have a pathway coordinator, Marina Tempier, who is available to inform, support and guide patients. For the past four months, we have also been offering adapted sports activity sessions.

Read also: “Being surrounded is reassuring”: new support against breast cancer in Vannes

What are the plans for the future?

The main project is to develop our visibility so that as many women as possible are aware of our existence. We now want to broaden our scope of thinking to support metastatic patients, where today we support women with localized cancer. And also extend our care through sessions with sexologists or sophrologists. The goal for us is to think about the aftermath, to adapt the support of our patients and that they can get as close as possible to a normal daily life.

To contact the InOVe associationgo to the website or by phone with Marina Tempier, coordinator, at 06 59 95 29 00.



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