Faced with cancer, Marie Basset and Nicole Puech recall the importance of support

Faced with cancer, Marie Basset and Nicole Puech recall the importance of support
Faced with cancer, Marie Basset and Nicole Puech recall the importance of support

People with cancer have to face multiple challenges associated with their diagnosis. From the shock of the announcement to remission or sometimes recurrence. The journey is difficult to live through as it calls into question the foundations of a life that we had hoped would be peaceful and controlled.

Marie Basset, a sophrologist at the Maison de santé des Ondes in Millau, is very familiar with the subject. She works in conjunction with Sud Aveyron Cancer, chaired by Nicole Puech, and the Ligue contre le Cancer de Rodez through an agreement.

The trauma of the announcement and the need for support

The therapist works regularly throughout the year with patients in her office or at the hospital. “The news of cancer is a real trauma,confirms the sophrologist. This shock marks a break in the illusion of a feeling of invulnerability. All this generates stress, anxiety, fears, anguish, suffering”. And this is not without effect on the body’s metabolism, on the quality of life and on the course of care.

Everything is being questioned. There is now a before and an after. “We will have to accept this new reality in order to be able to consider another construction, another meaning because despite everything, life continues and it can have a quality and continue to provide moments of joy, adds the Millavoise therapist. We are here to help him”.

Becoming an actor in your own recovery

Many people feel the need to be supported to face challenges. Sophrology is located on this level. Its practices provide support. Promoting a better understanding of the situation, allowing better management of stress, emotions, suffering, moving the negative towards the positive, better supporting the phases of the recovery process, considering the aftermath: these are the main objectives.

From passive, the patient will be able to become active throughout the evolution of his illness and the stages he will go through and draw significant benefits from it. This support will be done through a plan that will be defined during the first meeting with the sophrologist.

“Each person is unique. With them we will personalize this plan, assess their needs, define how they would like to be supported, how to use this time for themselves. We will then adapt the exercises to the needs and stages of the application of the medical protocol and its times of care (chemo, radio, immuno, surgery, etc.), recovery, waiting for results and a return to normal life where you will have to know how to manage doubts but also enjoy moments of joy.”comments Marie Basset.

“The League against Cancer encourages and participates in this support, which is considered very useful for facing this difficult ordeal”concludes Nicole Puech. It is even a priority that has been enacted within the Aveyron structure of the League.

Contact: Marie Basset. Maison de santé des Ondes, 128 boulevard de Calès in Millau. Tel. 07 71 63 85 35


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