Good advice for summer (1): TIACs and STIs

Good advice for summer (1): TIACs and STIs
Good advice for summer (1): TIACs and STIs

On this first day of July, synonymous with vacation for many, we offer you the first episode of our series of basic tips for a great summer. Today, focus on hydration but also on collective food poisoning and STIs.

To make the most of summer, there are a few precautions to take. With Lara Kotlar, the spokesperson for AVIQ, we offer you some basic advice to follow all year round and especially when it’s hot.

What to do in case of extreme heat?

  • Hydrate: drink around 1.5 litres of water per day (water, tea, herbal teas, soups, etc.) but avoid alcoholic drinks, coffee and sugary drinks;
  • Protect yourself from the heat: Stay indoors as much as possible during the hottest times of the day (at least from 11am to 3pm), close windows and curtains on facades exposed to the sun as long as the outside temperature is higher than the inside temperature and only open them when the worst of the heat has passed. If you still have to go out or go to work, try to avoid being exposed during the hottest periods as much as possible.
  • Limit physical exertion as much as possible (e.g. sports activities) and if this is not possible, take regular breaks and drink enough;
  • Protect your skin from the sun: To do this, use a high protection factor sun cream at regular intervals. Ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice if necessary! Don’t forget to wear a hat or cap and sunglasses;
  • Eat regularly and adequatelyespecially seasonal fruits and vegetables;
  • Remember to regularly check in on your more vulnerable loved ones..

Viruses and bacteria are not on vacation

The sunny days are synonymous, for example, with scout camps, training courses and group barbecues. Be careful: foodborne illnesses (FAIs) are lurking. Just like STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections). Here are some tips to protect yourself from them.



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