Sexual health: things are moving in CeGIDD!

Sexual health: things are moving in CeGIDD!
Sexual health: things are moving in CeGIDD!

As of July 1, the Regional Health Agency (ARS) entrusts the consultations of the Free Information, Screening and Diagnostic Centers (CeGIDD) to hospital centers. The Department’s Health Prevention Services (SPS), which until now had responsibility for this, nevertheless continue to welcome you for their other missions. Explanations.

What do CeGIDDs offer?

  • information on AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), sexuality
  • personalized information and advice on any question related to sexuality
  • screenings and treatments prescribed by the doctor based on your risk assessment
  • vaccinations against Hepatitis A and B and against Papillomavirus
  • referral to the specialized support network if necessary

Where can I go to find my new CeGIDD?

If you were used to going to the Department’s Preventive Health Services (SPS) for a CeGIDD consultation, you will now need to refer yourself to hospital centers. You will be followed there, as before, by doctors and a medical team.

The reception remains confidential and can be anonymous. Consultations are free.

Consult the map to discover the new CeGIDD addresses:

Can I retrieve my medical records?

Yes of course ! If you wish, you can retrieve your medical file and/or your latest biological results from your SPS until July 5. Remember to ask for them by phone before traveling.

Is the Health Prevention Service I went to still open?

Yes, absolutely. Throughout the year, SPS professionals offer collective actions to promote health prevention and raise awareness among Northerners on various topics, such as cancer screening, sexual health, women’s health, etc.

Within the Health Prevention Services, you will always find a multidisciplinary medical team to support you in your preventive journey and advise you, free of charge. You can continue to go to the SPS to:

  • preventive medical-social consultations: If you are in a precarious situation, this consultation will allow you to take stock of your health. A health assessment and support from a nurse, a social worker and a doctor may be offered to you following this consultation.
  • CLAT (Center for the Fight against Tuberculosis): If you have contracted tuberculosis, the CLAT intervenes to offer free screening to those around you. Treatment and support may also be offered to you, under certain conditions.
  • the Vaccination Center: If you are in a precarious situation, you can go to the Health Prevention Service to benefit from a compulsory or recommended vaccination for residing in France.

Find the list of SPS in the North

The Nord Santé Prévention Truck also crisscrosses the roads of the North. It allows SPS teams to get as close as possible to the people of the North.

Are there other places where I can get help with my sexual health?

Yes, in sexual health centers. These centers are managed by a team of professionals (doctor, midwife, marriage and family counselor, nurse, secretary) and offer:

  • information on emotional and sexual life
  • family planning medical consultations: prescription, delivery and monitoring of different means of contraception
  • interviews before and after a voluntary termination of pregnancy
  • pregnancy follow-ups, medical examinations and pre- and post-natal interviews

On site, no advance payment: reimbursement is made directly by the CPAM (Primary Health Insurance Fund) upon presentation of the Vitale card. Consultations are free for minors and people without social security coverage.

Some sexual health centers are integrated into the Maternal and Child Protection (PMI) services. You can go there if you are expecting a child or if you are a young parent.

Learn more about PMI services



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