“Esprit Yoga” Magazine: How to Manage the Limits of Yoga?

“Esprit Yoga” Magazine: How to Manage the Limits of Yoga?
“Esprit Yoga” Magazine: How to Manage the Limits of Yoga?

“Breathing, a time for yourself” is the theme of the July-August issue of the magazine “Esprit Yoga”, partner of AirZen Radio. For this summer issue, attention is paid to the limits that can be found in yogic practice. “When we think of yoga, we talk more about everything it brings. And it is well-being that is associated. We tend to talk less about all the limits that practitioners encounter when they are on their mat. However, it is a very important aspect. In this article, we insist on the fact that we must accept them, work on them and above all listen to them”, specifies Andrea Semprini, editor-in-chief and founder of the magazine.

Several ways of working on these mental and physical limits have been proposed to manage pain. First of all, there is the breath. “That is to say, breathe, send the breath as they say to the sore part. It’s an image, with the concentration of trying to visualize that breath moving into the area that hurts,” explains Andrea. The other technique is to push through that pain. “Finally, tell yourself that it is more in the head than in the body. We can somehow coax him, move his threshold once again. Afterwards, it is never about hurting yourself or denying this pain. It would be dangerous,” he said. Finally, the editor of “Esprit Yoga” adds that you must also overcome your limiting beliefs by telling yourself that you are not going to succeed.

Also to be found in this summer issue: a file on breathing, learning to take time for yourself, an interview with Sylvain Charpiot, yoga teacher with an “improbable” destiny, tips for letting go, postures, nutritional advice, etc. .



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