“Be careful, eating the skin of tomatoes can have consequences for your health,” warns Dr. Cocaul

“Be careful, eating the skin of tomatoes can have consequences for your health,” warns Dr. Cocaul
“Be careful, eating the skin of tomatoes can have consequences for your health,” warns Dr. Cocaul

The tomato is the ultimate summer fruit. Marmande, beef heart, cherry… there are all kinds, each tastier than the last. But is it absolutely necessary to remove the skin from tomatoes to avoid any gastric discomfort? For Doctor Arnaud Cocaul, it is important to qualify this information.

“Some of us will digest the skin poorly because it risks causing slow digestion in our digestive tract. It varies depending on the individual”he explained to Yahoo while providing some details. “If you digest well, there is no problem, keep the skin of the tomato because it will provide you with vitamins, antioxidants, cellulose, therefore fiber as well, which are very beneficial for intestinal transit” .

On the other hand, if you have problems with flatulence or bloating, it is better to remove the skin from the tomato. And to do this, nothing could be simpler. Simply soak the tomato in boiling water then sear it in very cold water. The skin will then come off very easily.

But in the event that you choose, despite everything, to keep the skin of the tomato, “always prefer an organic tomato to limit the impact of pesticides”. Also, and this goes without saying, you cannot eat tomatoes all the time. “There is a season for tomatoes, it’s summer”, he insisted while recalling that they would not have the same taste and that they would not contain the same nutrients if they were consumed in winter for example. Note that the peak season is in June, but you can find them on the stalls from May to September, with earlier and later varieties.

VIDEO – “Fruit and vegetables that cannot be peeled? It is imperative to buy them organic”, according to Doctor Cocaul

ALSO READ >> Do you like tomatoes? Here’s how to keep them longer without putting them in the fridge

On the production side, 656,192 tonnes of tomatoes were produced in 2023, particularly in Brittany, Provence-Alpes Côte-d’Azur and Pays de la Loire. As a reminder, tomatoes are very low in calories, which makes them a fruit very popular with the French. Each year, households consume nearly 14 kilos of it. “When you take 100 grams of tomatoes, it gives you 15 to 20 calories because most of the composition of the tomato is water,” he concluded.



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