WHO hands over 63 measles kits to DPS/Maniema

WHO hands over 63 measles kits to DPS/Maniema
WHO hands over 63 measles kits to DPS/Maniema

The World Health Organization (WHO) handed over 63 measles kits to the Provincial Health Division (DPS)/Maniema on Thursday June 20 in Kindu. According to the WHO and even the DPS, a kit contains drugs that can treat at least one hundred patients. The Kunda health zone recorded around fifty deaths in one week.

For the WHO, this batch of medicines will benefit patients in the different health zones of Maniema affected by measles.

On behalf of the head of the (WHO) sub-office, we are here to hand over these 63 measles kits to you; so that it can serve as support for our populations, for our patients who are suffering in health zones“, said Dieudonné Ntabala, administrator at WHO/Kindu.

For its part, the provincial health division welcomed this gesture from the WHO which will undoubtedly reduce the fatality rate, which is beyond 10%. Doctor Georges Shabani Kyamuteba, interim head of division, cites the most affected areas:

“For example, the Kamene health zone and the Kunda health zone because in Kunda for the past week, there were 418 cases of measles with 48 deaths. So, the fatality rate is at – beyond 10%. This was really serious, we lacked medicines for medical care, although we were in the process of vaccinating the children, but we lacked the medicines. medications I know that with these medications, there will be no more cases of death.”

DPS Maniema says it is ready to receive donations from other partners to eradicate measles.



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