this elegant and colorful plant is a natural repellent against these pests in the garden

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In summer, mosquitoes are a plague that many would like to do without. Yes, if the sight of the sun’s rays brings joy to many French people with milder temperatures, these also signify the great comeback of the mosquito. Every year, around June and July, these little insects have a way of ruining the lives of many people. Impossible to enjoy a beautiful summer evening outside, or to sleep peacefully without having to scratch, they are everywhere.

However, whether some people like it, mosquitoes play an important role in the biodiversity and are therefore essential to the balance of the ecosystem. In fact, they provide a feast for many animals such as birds, fish, etc. They also have effective pollinators just like butterflies and bees by feeding on flower nectar. But that doesn’t matter, the mosquito is far from being Man’s best friend, it is even probably the insect most hated by him.

A vigorous plant with fragrant mosquito-repellent foliage exists!

Thus, to avoid scratch all summer, the ultimate solution lies in the use of a repellent. There is also an elegant plant with colorful flowers endowed with this superpower: the lemongrass geranium or fragrant geranium, also known as Pelargonium citronellum in botany. Its main characteristic is the lemony scent given off by its otherwise edible leaves, which makes it a real repellent for mosquitoes.

In a pot or planter, the lemongrass geranium is a plant very resistant, particularly drought. This is why the sun’s rays don’t scare him, quite the contrary. This family plant Geraniaceae blossoms fully under the blazing sun. This will also stimulate its flowering which will be even more vigorous and luxuriant, as explained in an article published on the site The Parisian.

crédit photo : Shutterstock Citronella geranium flower, an anti-mosquito plant

A plant to have at home to repel mosquitoes

In terms of maintenance, fragrant geranium is also very easy-going. Alone regular watering is necessary. Be careful, however, not to soak the soil at the risk of seeing its roots rot. Care must also be taken to remove faded flowers gradually so that the plant does not lose its vigor. Finally, using a liquid fertilizer mixed with water provides it with all nutrients necessary for good health.

But where lemongrass geranium reveals all its usefulness is in its mosquito repellent. No more incessant buzzing from this sleep disruptor! To spend a quiet night, install a pot of Pelargonium citronellum on the windowsill will work miracles. Such a shield, no mosquito will dare to venture into the bedroom. Likewise, during your long evenings outside chatting with your loved ones on the terrace, place a pot of this plant in the center of the table. All that remains is to wait for the magic to happen.

Mosquito repellent, but not only that…

In addition to its natural mosquito repellent action, thus avoiding sprays with questionable composition for health, fragrant geranium is full of many other benefits such as that of promote digestion. To benefit from this property, simply take a few leaves and infuse them in hot water. This plant is also known for calm irritations of the skin when applied to the affected area like a poultice. Finally, it would also be antiseptic, healing and anti-inflammatory.

Mosquito repellent, grandmother’s remedy, the lemongrass geranium has not yet said its last word and has more than one trick up its sleeve. Indeed, this time, it is in the kitchen that it could well be useful, particularly for enhance dishes since its flowers and leaves are edible. Chopped in a vinaigrette, infused in fresh sparkling water or to add originality to fruit salads, the possibilities are multiple. Clearly, the lemongrass geranium wins all the votes.



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