Monkey pox: three new cases in Reunion

Monkey pox: three new cases in Reunion
Monkey pox: three new cases in Reunion

Three new cases of monkeypox have been detected in Reunion in the space of two weeks. Information relayed by Public Health France in its weekly epidemiological update. The last cases in our department were recorded in October 2022.

The number of cases of the Monkeypox virus, or monkey pox, has decreased significantly in France since the start of 2024 (compared to 2022) but the virus continues to circulate.

Reunion is not spared. Three new cases were reported to the ARS in the space of two weeks. The very first case of infection on our territory was detected in September 2022.

Contamination occurs when “prolonged face-to-face contact through respiratory droplets or direct contact with an infected person, through bodily fluids, skin lesions, or internal mucous membranes such as the mouth.”

Contamination can also occur indirectly through objects that the patient has contaminated, such as clothing or bed linen.

The first symptoms appear after an incubation period of 5 to 21 days.

The infection can begin with fever, headache, muscle pain, difficulty swallowing, asthenia and lymph nodes in the neck and upper thigh, skin rashes.

The person is contagious from the appearance of the first symptoms and until the skin lesions have completely healed. The recommended isolation period is three weeks, in order to avoid any contamination of those around you. Some people are likely to develop serious forms, particularly immunocompromised people, pregnant women and young children.

If symptoms appear (fever and rash with blisters), contact SAMU Center 15 who will refer you to a medical consultation.

It is recommended to self-isolate while awaiting medical advice, and to avoid close contact with other people.



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