Flesh-eating bacteria: the number of cases explodes in Japan

Flesh-eating bacteria: the number of cases explodes in Japan
Flesh-eating bacteria: the number of cases explodes in Japan

Japan has been plagued for several months by severe infections caused by group A streptococcus.

Their numbers have reached record numbers in recent weeks.

Between January and March, nearly 80 patients had already died.

The “flesh-eating” bacteria continues to claim victims in Japan. As of June 2, 2024, the Japanese Ministry of Health had recorded 977 cases of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome, severe infections caused by group A streptococcus, with a mortality rate which can reach 30%, according to a new report collected by CNN. Between January and March, 77 people have already died, local authorities indicated in the spring. For comparison in 2023 alone, 941 cases of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (SCTS) were recorded across the country.

Although this bacteria is well known, it is the cause of its propagation in these proportions which remains to be determined for the time being.

  • Read also

    Flesh-eating bacteria: should we be concerned about its proliferation in Japan?

Group A Streptococcus (GAS) is transmitted from human to human and is regularly responsible “frequent benign and non-invasive infections, such as angina and impetigo, and also serious invasive infections: bacteremia, necrotizing skin infections, puerperal infections, pleuropneumopathies, meningitis, which can be associated with shock syndrome streptococcal toxicant (SCTS)”, ddetails the Pasteur Institute on its site. GAS is transmitted by respiratory droplets and direct contact (nasal secretions, skin lesions). SCTS, which releases toxins that can cause organ failure in the body, is fatal in one in three cases, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In this context, the Japanese Minister of Health had already called on the population in January to continue to use barrier gestures, such as washing their hands regularly and wearing a mask in busy public places.




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