FCO-3 in Belgium: outbreak of abortions

FCO-3 in Belgium: outbreak of abortions
FCO-3 in Belgium: outbreak of abortions

In Belgium, Arsia (Walloon Regional Association of Health and Animal Identification) has noted an explosion in the number of abortions linked to FCO-3.

The number of reported abortions and the experience of ARSIA veterinary pathologists, coupled with laboratory analyzes allow quality epidemiological surveillance. Some pathogens occur suddenly, such as FCO virus serotype 3, and can be tracked via autopsy of fetuses.

In this month 2024, the number of abortions has exploded with an increase of 282% compared to the month of August 2023.

September followed the same trend, so much so that ARSIA’s capacities for collecting runts were overwhelmed. At the start of the epidemic, the autopsied abortions did not present any particular lesions. The very high fever linked to the infection was probably enough to interrupt the gestation. However, the clinical picture has evolved. Arsia pathologists have noted since the end of August a significant increase in the rate of fetuses suffering from congenital malformations of the central nervous system. 10.55% of aborted fetuses are affected.




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