After 45 years without false notes, Marie-Claude retires

After 45 years without false notes, Marie-Claude retires
After 45 years without false notes, Marie-Claude retires

Marie-Claude Tranchina finished her last piano lessons at the Castries municipal music school (EMMC) at the end of June and will officially retire afterwards. In 1979, Mayor Paul Brunel created EMMC, the first municipal music school in Languedoc-Roussillon, based on an idea from Evelyne Haut Labourdette, professor at the Montpellier conservatory.

Generations of students trained

Marie Claude began as a piano teacher the same year. Its history is intertwined with the EMMC, it is a master pillar. If there was a downside, the piano lessons were the driving force behind the school’s rebirth.

As discreet as she is efficient, Marie-Claude modestly describes her job. Yet she has trained generations of students who, having become parents, bring their children to music school. The public paid tribute to him during the last concert.

What are the highlights of your life? “All the students tell me that they continue music, that the piano is part of their life, they play for pleasure”she said humbly. “The most promising students all went to the conservatory. One of them became a professor at the Lille national conservatory”she continues.

Marie-Claude’s satisfaction is knowing that her students had fun learning the piano with her and that they have good memories of it. She would like to continue this passionate profession but she must retire from the piano (gently), she will play for pleasure. Marie-Claude can be named the maestra of EMMC. She plays the major chords accompanied by Fernando. EMMC also trains many adult students.

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 61 97 88 84



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