Fight against AIDS: the Marcel Abéké hospital in Moanda a training workshop in Moanda at the school of HIV case management |

Marcel Abéké Hospital in Comilog recently hosted a training workshop for health providers, focused on HIV case management. This event, which is part of a strategic partnership between Comilog and the National Program to combat sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS, brought together participants from several health structures in the region. , including the Moanda medical center, the Sucaf infirmary, the Jean-Claude Andrault hospital in Mounana and the Bakoumba medical center.

The workshop was inaugurated in the presence of important personalities, such as the sub-prefect of Mounana, Léonel Ondy Ebounou, and the southeast regional health director, Iris Kevin Ivala Zogo. Dr Okouyi Ndong, director of the National Program to Combat STIs and HIV/AIDS, coordinated this training, emphasizing the importance of effective and accessible patient care.

According to Dr Okouyi, this workshop brought antiretroviral drugs closer to local populations, thereby reducing barriers to accessing care. She also shared alarming statistics about the pandemic, revealing that by the end of 2023, 51,000 people were living with HIV in the region. Of these, nearly 30,000 are now on antiretroviral treatment, a significant jump from 2,000 treatments in 2005. However, she deplored the insufficient number of medical facilities capable of meeting the growing needs of patients.

This workshop constitutes a decisive step in the fight against HIV/AIDS, providing health professionals with the tools necessary to improve care and raise awareness in their communities. Collaboration between the public and private sector is essential to address this public health challenge and ensure a healthier future for the population of Moanda and its surrounding areas.




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