Lombers. Generation Movement on a stroll to Tyrol

Lombers. Generation Movement on a stroll to Tyrol
Lombers. Generation Movement on a stroll to Tyrol

the essential
Lombers Générations Mouvement, the club that never stops moving with travel and conviviality for all.

Spring dynamics underway for Lombers Générations Mouvement since mid-May, more than thirty members headed to Austria and Tyrol with the Fauroux trips! Taking advantage of much more favorable weather than on the banks of the Assou, the members of the Lombers club were able to admire the majestic landscapes of mountains, lakes and mountain pastures and other superb views. A typical dinner evening followed by a folk show and Tyrolean songs delighted the participants of this group where there was a beautiful friendly atmosphere. At the end of May, another much less distant outing in the Lot et Garonne passing by the Lafitte farm where a Gascon breakfast was offered, then lunch on the barge while sailing in Nérac, with a delicious chicken au pot and a delicious breakfast on the menu. glass of Armagnac to facilitate digestion. To finish, visit a prune farm with several tastings for a trip where the diet was taken care of. June is looming and a hiking trip to Matemale in the Catalan Pyrenees is being prepared, as well as a trip to Puy du Fou over three days at the beginning of July! On September 26, an outing to Salviac is proposed to the Museum of Agricultural and Automotive Heritage and traditional house with “the cantous”, guided tour in the morning, meal on the site and free visit in the afternoon to enjoy the incredible collections and chat with connoisseurs. or interested. There are still a few places available and the all-inclusive day rate is €53. Information at

Dance. Dance gala of the Foyer Laïque and Festival Committee on Saturday June 8 at 7:30 p.m. in the Festival Hall, “Enlighten us with your lights” show.



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