four questions to a specialist about this health emergency

four questions to a specialist about this health emergency
four questions to a specialist about this health emergency

One in seven people do not know they have diabetes. In France, between 500,000 and 800,000 people are in this case. A real health emergency. To remedy this, National Type 2 Diabetes Screening Week is being held until this Saturday, June 8.

Just 5 minutes to find out if you are diabetic is how long the type 2 diabetes screening test takes. It allows you to measure your blood sugar level.

According to Public Health France, more than 3.5 million people were treated with medication for diabetes in France in 2019. Type 1 diabetes represents approximately 10% of diabetes cases, or approximately 300,000 people.

In 2021, in France, 4.2 million people were identified as diabetic by Health Insurance.


This type 2 diabetes screening campaign takes place throughout France until June 8.

© Yannick Fournigault-FTV

Type 1 diabetes is characterized by the presence of excess sugar in the blood called hyperglycemia, which is due to a cessation of insulin production by the pancreas. It is the most common type of diabetes in children and adolescents. This autoimmune disease is favored by a genetic predisposition.

Type 2 diabetes changes the way the body uses sugar (glucose) as an energy Source. It stops the body from using insulin properly, which can lead to high blood sugar levels if left untreated.

With the national screening week taking place throughout France, all patients who are unaware of being diabetic will be able to be easily screened.

France 3 Côte d’Azur interviewed Raphaël Gigliotti, Secretary of the Regional Union of Health Professionals (URPS 06).

Raphaël Gigliotti, Secretary of the Regional Union of Health Professionals (URPS 06): “the big problem with this pathology is that at the very beginning few symptoms are recognizable as being typically linked to a diabetic problem. To us professionals of health to be promoters around this pathology.”

Raphaël Gigliotti: “diabetes attacks microcirculation, i.e. all the problems linked to circulation. This can cause strokes (strokes), affect the kidneys, blood circulation problems in the feet which can lead to up to ‘to foot amputations So very big problems if this is not treated quickly.’

Raphaël Gigliotti: “once the screening has been carried out, the pharmacists refer the patients to a general practitioner because it remains the cornerstone of the treatment and will allow the diabetic person to be taken care of. The attending physician will refer the patient to a set of professionals who can be the pharmacist but also a cardiologist to carry out a health check, a podiatrist who will monitor the condition of the feet or a whole group of medical staff who supervise the patient.”

“In addition to medication, health and diet education must be quickly put in place. This includes physical activity which is an essential point and of course diet modification. The patient will be advised by a whole range of professionals health, including dietitians who will give their first advice Certainly diet but above all and also sports activity promulgated by certain regions which have put the latter at the heart of health.

The French Federation of Diabetics has put a test online that allows you to know if you are at risk or not. Even if the best test is indeed a blood test taken by a pharmacist or your doctor.

In Nice, at the Maison des Séniors, a screening day took place as part of the national week.

Eat healthily, play sports, watch your weight… These are some basic rules to follow whether you are diabetic or not to be in good health!



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