Nine cases of hepatitis A now identified in several establishments in Le Havre

Nine cases of hepatitis A now identified in several establishments in Le Havre
Nine cases of hepatitis A now identified in several establishments in Le Havre


Marie Lemaistre

Published on

June 3, 2024 at 6:32 p.m.
; updated June 3, 2024 at 6:38 p.m.

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New cases of hepatitis A have been identified in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime). Contacted this Monday June 3, 2024the Normandy Regional Health Agency gives a first count and thus confirms the information revealed by the daily Paris-Normandy.

“In total since May 14, nine cases were declared, including five among students in the same class and a case in another establishment“, indicates the ARS, which estimates the first infection on May 14.

As a reminder, cases of infection were reported on Thursday May 23, 2024, in two students attending the private Montesquieu – Sainte-Marie college. This number had increased to four by the end of the week.

Five additional cases of hepatitis A recorded to date

The ARS immediately initiated a epidemiological investigation, in partnership with Santé Publique France. This “continues”, indicates the agency to 76-.

This also ensures that “each of these cases has been the subject of recommendations and reinforced hygiene measures have been put in place at the establishment level in order to avoid transmission”.

To date, investigations are also continuing to identify theorigin of these cases. And “no secondary transmission has been noted to date,” reassures the agency. In other words, transmissions to close contacts.

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