Major progress against certain types of lung cancer

Major progress against certain types of lung cancer
Major progress against certain types of lung cancer

The data presented this Sunday at Asco show that taking a daily dose of 80 mg of osimertinib greatly improves survival without progression of the disease.
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DECRYPTION – Results of clinical trials show that new drugs clearly benefit specific groups of patients suffering from certain bronchial tumors.

Each year the American Society of Clinical Oncology (Asco) congress brings together more than 30,000 oncologists from around the world in Chicago. The results of numerous clinical trials are presented there, with the most important data traditionally being revealed during the Sunday plenary session. This year, two of these presentations concerned therapies targeting different types of lung cancer. The Laura and Adriatic trials (promoted by the AstraZeneca laboratory) each brought conclusions which should lead, in the months to come, to changes in the management of patients with certain particular profiles.

Lung cancers, or bronchial cancers, are divided into two main categories “small cell” (SCLC) or “non-small cell” (NSCLC) depending on the origin of the bronchial cells that are affected. NSCLC represents approximately 85% of the more than 52,000 cases of lung cancer that are recorded each…

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