Hookah, tobacco, alcohol, oral sex (cunnilingus and fellatio)… Dr Ibrahima Diallo on the causes of Throat Cancer

Hookah, tobacco, alcohol, oral sex (cunnilingus and fellatio)… Dr Ibrahima Diallo on the causes of Throat Cancer
Hookah, tobacco, alcohol, oral sex (cunnilingus and fellatio)… Dr Ibrahima Diallo on the causes of Throat Cancer
Dr Ibrahima Diallo, specialist in ENT and head and neck surgery at Jean Paul 2 hospital

Throat cancer is the anarchic development of cells at the expense of the upper aerodigestive tracts which can affect the respiratory and food tracts, causing breathing difficulties and problems swallowing. It can develop in different places such as: palatine tonsils, hypopharynx, esophagus, larynx. The consumption of tobacco, alcohol, shisha and oral sex (cunniling and fellatio) are among other causes cited for this pathology. To talk about it, a reporter from Guineematin.com gave the floor to Dr Ibrahima Diallo, specialist in ENT (otolaryngology) and head and neck surgery at the Jean Paul 2 hospital. With this doctor, we discussed causes, symptoms, prevention and management of throat cancer.

At the start, Ibrahima Diallo provided a definition of throat cancer, while explaining how it manifests itself.

“Throat cancer is the anarchic development of cells at the expense of the upper aerodigestive tract. And this cancer can be located anywhere in the upper aero-digestive tract, you have the palatine tonsils, the hypopharynx, the esophagus, the larynx which are an integral part of it. Therefore, all of these organs can be affected by cancer commonly called throat cancer. To recognize this disease, there are signs, such as: difficulty swallowing, breathing and speaking. Here are the main signs that we can find. Sometimes you may have ear pain which is associated with difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing which may develop. And with this difficulty in breathing, these are progressive signs, it depends on the evolution or stage of the disease and others. The more the disease progresses, the more the sign progressively worsens. You also have lymph nodes that may appear in the neck. And the lymph nodes occur at a somewhat advanced stage of the disease,” he explained.

Furthermore, this doctor provided details on the causes and consequences of this disease. “There are several causes. But what is recognized is alcohol and tobacco consumption. Especially tobacco, when a person takes a cigarette, he is exposed to the uncontrolled development of cells, and alcohol potentiates the action of tobacco. This means that an alcohol-smoking patient is more likely to develop throat cancer. There is also something called HPV (Human Papillomavirus). Currently this virus is an integral part of throat cancer. There is also hookah. We call on our brothers and sisters to avoid the consumption of shisha, because shisha has an action that potentiates the development of cancer several times compared to tobacco consumption. If tobacco consumption carries a risk of developing cancer, shisha increases this risk factor. This is why there is a lot of emphasis on the consumption of shisha. Currently we even see toddlers consuming it, they have to think about the future, because it’s not for today, it’s for tomorrow. And we also see from day to day the consultation of patients with throat cancer, especially young people, whereas before it was subjects aged between their fifties and sixties who most developed throat cancer. There is also another factor that is often ignored, chronic anemia in a patient, especially among our sisters, our mothers, when you notice that the blood level is low in the body, you must go and consult. Don’t stay with chronic anemia. Because it leads to a drop in serum iron which will cause the cells to develop uncontrollably and this will lead to the occurrence of cancer. Gastroesophageal reflux disease is currently a health problem that also leads to the occurrence of cancer. There is also oral sex (fellatio and cunnilingus) which is a risk factor for the occurrence of cancer linked to HPV (Human Papillomavirus). There is heredity too, but the percentage is very low compared to the risk factors for the occurrence of throat cancer. The consequence is that if we can diagnose the disease early, we can treat the patient. But if it is late, the patient’s prognosis is guarded and the patient may die. Because the more advanced the cancer is, the more complicated the treatment becomes. And the treatment is done according to the cancer,” explained Dr Ibrahima Diallo.

Speaking of prevention, the doctor advises a certain number of practices which constitute risk factors for throat cancer.

“Prevention is necessary above all. This is why it is necessary to avoid the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, avoid fellatio and cunniling (oral sexual intercourse) and especially stop the consumption of shisha, seek early consultation in patients who present with anemia. . So, it is to avoid all the risk factors for the occurrence of the disease,” he said.

In addition, Dr Ibrahima Diallo explained the methods of treating throat cancer, before announcing that in one week two cases of throat cancer are diagnosed in ENT.

“On the other hand, the three main treatments that we have, we have surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Surgery usually occurs at an early stage, and radiotherapy and chemotherapy are used at a somewhat advanced stage. All three can be used at the same time in a patient too. We have a hospital frequency and not a national frequency and we have found that throat cancer accounts for between 3 to 10% of ENT pathology. At least per weekday consultation we can have two (2) cases of throat cancer. And the mortality rate is around 2 to 3%,” he said.

Fatoumata Diouldé Diallo for Guineematin.com



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