Show canceled at the René Hausman school due to measles! A hard blow for students and teachers!

Show canceled at the René Hausman school due to measles! A hard blow for students and teachers!
Show canceled at the René Hausman school due to measles! A hard blow for students and teachers!

Full classes and classes run normally. Life seems to go on peacefully at the René Hausman school. Except that measles has been there. 4 cases were confirmed and a whole school bubble had to be put in place. “ The school is not closed but we have measures to respectimmediately explains Emilie Solheid, director of the René Hausman school. So, we have disinfection of the premises +++ as Aviq says, a bit as if we were in the Covid period. Ventilate the premises, children wash their hands a little more than usual and then eliminate extra-curricular outings. »

Scheduled for this Saturday, the end of year show also had to be canceled. A hard blow for the students and the entire educational team. “ Really sad for the children who are preparing this, for the teachers who have gone to great lengths so that parents can come see their children perform and come to the school fancy-faire, it’s something super important especially now, I really hate this but we will find a solution so that the children can present this to their parents», continues the director.

“The vaccine remains the best prevention”

Contagious but benign if detected in time, measles is a disease whose number of cases explodes each year in Europe. Although we cannot speak of an upsurge or even an epidemic here, we must nevertheless remain attentive and above all get vaccinated. “ It really is the best prevention that can exist with a vaccine that we have known for years, with the risk-benefit which is really in favor of the benefit, recalls Michel Meuris, President of the Association of General Practitioners of the French-speaking East. So yes, we must remember the vaccination which is done in two doses. It is almost systematically done at the ONE in young children and which simply requires a booster and it is for life so two vaccines can really help for a lifetime. »

In consultation with parents, around fifty children were taken care of by the PMS teams and received a dose of vaccine. Teachers were asked to check their immunity but since the start of the week, no more cases have occurred. The school is therefore crossing its fingers that, within 3 weeks, it will finally be able to resume all its activities.



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