Cancer Spring in Aix-en-Provence: giving hope and informing at the convention center

Cancer Spring in Aix-en-Provence: giving hope and informing at the convention center
Cancer Spring in Aix-en-Provence: giving hope and informing at the convention center

On May 13, the European Cancer Organization singled out France for its delay in prevention compared to the rest of the Old Continent.

If 54% of women are screened for breast cancer in Europe, the rate drops to 47% in France. In order to compensate for these shortcomings, the Institute of Communication and Information on Cancer (ICIC) is organizing the first edition of the Cancer Spring on Thursday, May 30, at the convention center.

Seven speakers will take turns from 2 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. Their goal, “change views on a pathology which still presents a dark image, frightening most of the population“, according to the ICIC. Health professionals wish to convey a message of hope, an informative word and a means of action for patients and their loved ones.

Prevention: the forgotten element

The Cancer Spring, initiated by oncologist Steve Ellis, addresses several themes. The conferences examine, for example, one of the least exploited elements of oncology, prevention.

We will deal with prevention through the link between sport and health to show its necessity. Whether for cancer prevention or to have fewer side effects during treatments“, explains Doctor Jean-Loup Mouysset, founder of the Resource centers and speaker during the day.

Also, France is lagging behind in prevention compared to the rest of Europe due to a lack of information on what is possible on a daily basis to avoid falling ill.

This insufficiency does not only come from the authorities. It’s the syndrome of the human being who waits until there is something to act“, admits the professor. But all is not black, “compared to the United States, where there is no prevention because an MRI costs €5,000. It is only done if there is suspicion of cancer. On this, we are ahead“.

The importance of loved ones

The day also aims to discuss another important part of the path to recovery from cancer. Patients’ relatives are invited to listen to the words of health professionals. For the ICIC, “The field of oncology has understood this well: the loved one is a person who should not be neglected in the care of the patient.“.

Doctor Mouysset’s conference, “Integrative oncology: keys for everyone in the face of cancer Prevent, support, build stronger health”, aims to highlight the role of caregivers.

When a person is not alone, that is a prognostic factor in itself. To help with care, treatments or to be there in a moment of discouragement“, lists the founder of the Resource centers.

Patients, caregivers or non-affected people, 500 people are expected at the convention center to maintain hope in the face of the pathology.



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