a goal of $38,000 for the SP Walk in Mauricie

For around thirty years, the last weekend in May, the objective has remained the same: to raise funds to offer services to people in the region suffering from multiple sclerosis and to contribute to research.

“My slogan is that we can participate from baby in stroller to grandpa in walker,” indicates Lilianne Demer-Lamarche, the director of SP Mauricie, during the march held at Pie Park. -XII. There were a little more than 200 people who went around the pond, following this wise advice.


The director of SP Mauricie, Lilianne Demers-Lamarche, at the Parc Pie-XII event. (Jacinthe Lafrance/Le Nouvelliste)

While these walks were underway, shortly before noon, we hoped to reach the goal of $38,000, the organization having already matched the $32,000 raised last year. SP Mauricie still has until June 30 to receive donations, as part of this campaign.

According to the most recent data obtained by SP Mauricie, approximately 2,300 people in Mauricie have been diagnosed with this still incurable neurological disease. In the organization’s database, 700 people are registered. “There are people who receive the diagnosis who do not know that we are there,” estimates the director of SP Mauricie, Lilianne Demers-Lamarche.

The services that these people can receive are varied and available throughout the region. Support for adapted physical activity, low-cost home help and above all, listening and peer support services are part of this. In the three cities, there is a permanent service point and, in each MRC, SP Mauricie provides a monthly presence.


Participants in the SP march on the Saint-Maurice promenade. (Sylvain Mayer/Le Nouvelliste)

At Pie-XII Park, we saw people of all ages parade, many wearing the blue volunteer t-shirts or the red one reserved for people with MS. After the walk, a picnic with free hot dog service was offered to all participants.

The MS Walk is a national event held the last weekend in May in more than 50 communities across the country to end MS, with an overall fundraising goal of $4,000,000. $.



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