Rich in selenium, this nut is excellent for the thyroid (1 per day is enough)

Rich in selenium, this nut is excellent for the thyroid (1 per day is enough)
Rich in selenium, this nut is excellent for the thyroid (1 per day is enough)

Antioxidant, it acts as a protector of the thyroid.

Oleaginous fruits like walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts or pistachios have it all: they are rich in fiber, iron, good fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. They promote good intestinal transit, improve sleep, prevent aging of the body, reduce the risk of heart disease, satiate and contribute to weight management. Less known, one of these nuts is very interesting for the health of the thyroid, a small butterfly-shaped gland essential for many functions such as growth, reproduction, sleep, hunger and metabolism.

Available everywhere in supermarkets or in bulk in organic stores or markets, this elongated nut is very rich in zinc, iodine and selenium, three trace elements which the thyroid uses to produce and regulate thyroid hormones. , essential for its proper functioning, explained Dr Jean-Marc Comas, endocrinologist in a previous article devoted to the special “thyroid” diet. These three minerals have a very distinct role for the thyroid. Zinc is involved in the formation and release of TSH, the main regulator of the thyroid. Iodine is taken up by the thyroid and integrated into its cells to synthesize thyroid hormones. Known for its antioxidant properties, selenium acts as a protector of the thyroid and helps the fixation of iodine. Its role is notably to transform one of the hormones, T4, into its active form, T3.

It is especially selenium which is difficult to find in food. Few foods of plant origin provide it (it is generally found in offal, cheese, fish, shellfish and egg yolk). A healthy adult needs around 50 μg per day of selenium and a single Brazil nut – the famous dried fruit we are talking about here – is enough to cover the daily selenium requirement.

Brazil nut © OSINSKIH AGENCY –

In the event of diagnosed thyroid problems and with the agreement of your doctor, it is possible to increase the consumption of Brazil nuts to 3 or 4 per day (without exceeding 5 to avoid selenium overdoses which manifest themselves in disorders gastric). The ideal is to consume Brazil nuts for get your daily dose of selenium first thing in the morning” and chew it well. Choose “organic” to avoid the harmful effects of chemicals due to nut treatments.



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