Health: This dietary supplement increases the risk of stroke

THE food supplements are popular, but are not as healthy as you might think. A new study published in the journal “BMJ Medicine” highlights the danger of food supplements based on fish oil. In particular, for healthy people.

The study, which spanned twelve years, covered more than 415,000 individuals. It appears that subjects without a history of heart disease who regularly take fish oil have a 13% increased risk of developing atrial fibrillation and a 5% increased risk of having a stroke.

On the other hand, food supplements based on fish oil would be beneficial to people with cardiovascular disorders. In this case, the risk of atrial fibrillation degenerating into myocardial infarction decreases by 15%. These people also have a 9% reduced risk of suffering from heart failure.

Elderly people and men benefit from taking these supplements. The risk of dying following a cardiovascular accident is reduced by 11% in the elderly and by 7% in men.

Questioned on this subject by the Times, Dr. Alice Lichtenstein, cardiologist, regrets that we do not know the frequency of taking supplements. “Researchers do not specify the type of fish oil supplements or the dose ingested,” she says.

She specifies that these supplements are not systematically recommended for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, given the increased risk of atrial fibrillation.

According to her, instead of taking fish oil preparations, it would be better to adopt a healthy diet to protect against cardiovascular diseases. This involves eating fish once or twice a week, engaging in regular physical activity, reducing stress and getting good sleep.

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