Be careful, it’s better not to sleep with your earrings on.

Be careful, it’s better not to sleep with your earrings on.
Be careful, it’s better not to sleep with your earrings on.

We love the earrings. Whether it’s wearing them, combining them or changing them as we wish. But it seems that it is imperative to remove them before falling asleep. And the reasons are multiple. We’ll explain it to you.

Brushing your teeth, removing your makeup, taking care of yourself… Our evening rituals are often numerous but rarely include removing our earrings and piercings before slipping under the sheets. An almost automatic gesture when wearing XXL or particularly heavy models, which is on the other hand much less so for studs, small rings or discreet jewelry. But we should take much more seriously, to avoid health problems, as well as to preserve the beauty of our jewelry.

Dangers on the pillow

  • Among the risks, the most frequent is that linked to the sweat. During the night, our body sweats more or less heavily, in order to regulate its temperature. And the skull and hair are not spared. However, this perspiration also has a great risk of slipping into the holes of your earrings and piercings and, combined with the presence of the stem of the jewelry, of causing a proliferation of bacteria. Consequence: possible irritations or even infections. Not to mention the stronger oxidation of the jewelry.
  • The positions adopted can also cause problems. Whether it’s friction on the pillow ending up injuring the ear or, for long, imposing or pointed models, getting caught in the fabric of a blanket or sheet, which can lead to a splitting of the lobe or a collapse of it, if it is subjected to too heavy pressure. Dangers that we watch out for without even thinking about it during the day, but which we cannot watch out for once we fall asleep.
  • Although small earrings present fewer risks than large ones in terms of health, they are, however, more easily lost in our bed and sometimes remain not found wake.
  • And finally, even without being aware of it, keeping your ear jewelry can negatively impact your sleep, causing micro-awakenings linked to embarrassment, discomfort or the need to scratch.

It is therefore better to take the reflex to remove them before falling into the arms of Morpheus. And if you’re worried about forgetting, we suggest you leave a small dish or jewelry box on your nightstand as a reminder.

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