Does tea or coffee count towards “the 1.5 liters of water” recommended each day?

Does tea or coffee count towards “the 1.5 liters of water” recommended each day?
Does tea or coffee count towards “the 1.5 liters of water” recommended each day?

We know that it is essential for the good of our body to drink 1.5 liters of water per day. But it is sometimes complicated to respect this rule. So to clear your conscience, you convince yourself that you are hydrating yourself enough by consuming tea or coffee. But be careful because this would be a big mistake. Interviewed by Marie-Claire magazine, naturopath Julia Monnier wanted to clarify things. “Certainly, the basis of coffee, tea, herbal teas is water but, consumed in large quantities, they do not hydrate the body and even cause the opposite effect.”

Concretely, caffeine, which is found in coffee, has a significant diuretic effect which will accelerate the elimination of water. As for theine, contained in tea, it slows down the assimilation of iron, vitamins and minerals. Finally, concerning herbal teas, which are devoid of theine and caffeine, they would, for some, have the same diuretic effect as tea.

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Faced with this observation, the naturopath, whose comments were relayed by Doctissimo, therefore reminds that water is the only good solution for hydrating yourself correctly. And for those who have trouble with plain water, she advises them to turn to sugar-free flavored waters.

As a reminder, one of the major components of the human body is water and we eliminate it every day through urine, through stools, through perspiration and respiration. It is therefore necessary to replace this “lost” water in order to maintain balance and good health. As the Water Information Center reminds us, the golden rule to follow is not to wait until you are thirsty to drink. To be properly hydrated, the body recommends drinking in small quantities throughout the day but also increasing your consumption in case of heat, fever or physical exercise.

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If you have difficulty swallowing liquids, it is recommended to eat foods rich in water such as fresh fruits and vegetables (melon, watermelon, plum, grapes, citrus fruits, strawberries, peaches, zucchini); raw vegetables (cucumber, tomato), except in cases of diarrhea; cold soups; compotes; yogurt and cottage cheese.



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