Omega-3, the star of the anti-inflammatory diet • L’Éventail

Omega-3, the star of the anti-inflammatory diet • L’Éventail
Omega-3, the star of the anti-inflammatory diet • L’Éventail

– Omega-6 seems to be predominant in our diet. What is the reason for this and why are they rather poorly regarded these days?
Omega-6 has become predominant in modern diets mainly due to changes in agricultural and dietary practices. Historically, the diet offered a more natural balance between Omega-6 and Omega-3. However, with the industrialization of agriculture, the breeding of animals outside their natural environment and the increase in the consumption of vegetable oils and processed foods, the presence of Omega-6 in our diet has considerably increase. Vegetable oils such as sunflower, corn or sesame oil, rich in Omega-6, are widely used in the preparation of processed foods and ready meals due to their low cost. This accessibility has led to excessive consumption of Omega-6 compared to Omega-3, disrupting this crucial balance.

Omega-6 is poorly regarded today for several reasons. Although they are essential for the proper functioning of the immune system, an excess can promote inflammatory conditions, contributing to an increased risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and other degenerative conditions. Excess Omega-6 can interfere with Omega-3 metabolism. Both use the same enzymes for their metabolism, limiting the conversion of Omega-3 into their active forms (EPA and DHA) and therefore their health benefits.

– How do I know if I am deficient? What do you recommend on a daily basis?
The only way to know your Omega-3 status is to take a blood test and check the fatty acid profile with a nutritionist. Difficulty remembering, mood fluctuations, dry skin, vulnerability to cardiovascular disorders can be symptoms of an Omega-3 deficiency, but they are also disorders that can be attributed to many other deficits or pathologies.

On a daily basis, it is advisable to incorporate foods rich in Omega-3 such as a teaspoon of flaxseed oil or two tablespoons of rapeseed or camelina oil, chia seeds, hemp seeds, etc. Without forgetting fatty fish, to be enjoyed twice a week. A healthy and simple routine for a quality and taste intake that will help you maintain an optimal balance between Omega-3 and 6, thus contributing to better overall health and the prevention of chronic inflammatory diseases.



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