Covid-19 and flu: almost a quarter of French people at risk do not want to be vaccinated this winter

Covid-19 and flu: almost a quarter of French people at risk do not want to be vaccinated this winter
Covid-19 and flu: almost a quarter of French people at risk do not want to be vaccinated this winter

According to a study published this Tuesday, October 15 by Santé Publique , more than half of eligible people plan to receive vaccines against Covid-19 and flu this fall.

But 23% of people at risk of serious forms say they do not want to take either vaccine.

Despite the return of winter viruses, the wearing of masks has not reappeared.

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Covid-19: the challenge of vaccination

The new vaccination campaign (new window) begins this Tuesday in France. As winter approaches, everyone can protect themselves against seasonal flu and Covid-19. On this occasion, Santé Publique France unveils its annual CoviPrev study, devoted to the prevention measures adopted by the French against viruses.

Adverse effects still put forward as a reason for non-vaccination

Of the 2,000 participants in this survey, representative of the French population, a majority continues to favor vaccination (new window). 59% of eligible people plan to receive a new dose of vaccine against Covid-19. They are 52% for the flu. “50% of participants at risk of severe forms of influenza due to their age (over 65 years) or their state of health (comorbidities) say they want to receive both influenza and Covid-19 vaccination”notes the press release from Public Health France.

If these proportions are stable compared to last year, other indicators are more alarming. 23% of French people at risk declare “do not want to do either vaccine”. Among the reasons given are the desire not to do it every year, the preference for other barrier gestures or even the fear of undesirable effects.

Public Health would like to remind you that“none of the adverse effects reported called into question the benefit/risk ratio of the Covid-19 vaccine”particularly for people at risk, that is to say over 65 years old or suffering from co-morbidities (obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc.), their entourage and health professionals. The ministry also mentions that it is still possible to be vaccinated against the flu (new window) and Covid-19 at the same time.

Less than a third of French people often wear a mask

If vaccines generally seem to be well accepted by the general population, barrier gestures are having difficulty making a comeback in our daily lives. This is evidenced by the low proportion (29%) of French people saying they wear a mask. “often or systematically” in the event of symptoms, in the presence of vulnerable people or in busy places. 7% of respondents even say they do not “Never” wash your hands with soap or hydroalcoholic gel. This is particularly the case among men, the inactive and rural people.

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