A real-time pollen sensor installed in the center of Albi

A real-time pollen sensor installed in the center of Albi
A real-time pollen sensor installed in the center of Albi

the essential
A French company has just installed a sensor in the city center of Albi capable of measuring, counting and identifying in real time the different pollens present in the air it sucks.

For some, it can quickly seem like a nightmare or even torture… The month of May is synonymous with bridges, the return of the sun and… the awakening of pollen allergies. But a large box installed on the roof of a private individual in Albi will perhaps change the situation or at least make life easier for those with allergies.

The company Lify-Air, French leader in real-time pollen measurement, has just installed a sensor in the city center of Albi capable of measuring, counting and identifying the different pollens present in the air it sucks in. .

An individual accepted the installation of the sensor in his home

“The idea is that people suffering from allergies have information in real time,” explains Jérôme Richard, CEO and co-founder of Lify-Air. We designed these sensors six years ago. We have partnerships with communities but the one in Albi is installed “own”. We launched a crowdfunding campaign and a person agreed to install the sensor in their home, in Albi.”

The Albigensian data are then transcribed directly, with a margin of 30 to 40 minutes, on the Live Pollen application available free of charge on the stores. Allergy sufferers thus have a precise and up-to-date vision of pollens in their immediate environment.

Thanks to this sensor, they can receive personalized alerts based on the pollens that concern them, record their feelings in a diary and benefit from advice and tips to better understand the allergy and adapt their treatment accordingly.

Albi rather lagging behind in terms of information on pollen

For the CEO of Lify-Air, the episcopal city is lagging behind in this area. “There are a lot of old sensors in France but they are more in forecasts than in real time, underlines Jérôme Richard. We saw that Albi and the region in general were poorly equipped. This is also why we We decided to install our sensor in the city center.”

But if this first sensor is sufficient to provide a first level of information, several should be deployed, believes the CEO. “The emission of pollen has a very local component,” adds Johann Lauthier, co-founder of Lify-Air. “The grains generally fall between 1 to 10 kilometers around their Source of emission.”



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