NHS lists 11 most common signs of cancer

NHS lists 11 most common signs of cancer
NHS lists 11 most common signs of cancer

Cancer is a disease that has many faces. If the initial problem is always the same (it is an abnormal, anarchic and excessive cell multiplication), cancer can develop in many organs – the breasts, the prostate, the lungs, the skin, the brain, the bones… And each cancer of course has its specific symptoms!

Certain symptoms should suggest cancer (and prompt consultation)

However, as Professor Peter Johnson, cancer specialist for the National Health Service (NHS, in Great Britain), recently explained, certain “alarm signals” must suggest cancer – therefore be the subject of a quick appointment with the doctor. Here are the symptoms that should not be ignored:

A cough that doesn’t “go away”

The NHS considers that an appointment with a GP is necessary if you have a cough (dry or wet) that has persisted for 3 weeks or more.

Transit disorders

In the event of abdominal pain when using the toilet, blood in the stools, diarrhea or constipation for no particular reason, anal pain, whitish and/or abnormally viscous stools, it is imperative to consult without delay, especially if the problem has lasted for more than 3 weeks.


If you have been suffering from bloating for 3 weeks or more, make an appointment with your GP without delay.

Blood emissions

If you vomit blood, if you urinate (…)

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