The Breton sun does not forgive

The Breton sun does not forgive
The Breton sun does not forgive

“Brittany is the region of France which records the highest number of cases of skin cancer. Not living in a hot region, Bretons protect themselves less from ultraviolet (UV) rays, which are just as present as elsewhere., recall CPAM, MSA and Regional Directorate of the Brittany Medical Service. The latter launched the 3e edition of Alerte Breizh, regional sun prevention campaign. Objective: to raise awareness among Bretons about protective measures. In August, the MSA will also hold a Health Prevention stand at Terre Attitude, JA celebration, to reach agricultural workers particularly exposed to the sun and therefore to the risks of this overexposure to UV rays.

Be vigilant even in cool weather

Excess mortality from melanoma in Brittany

At 11e rank of cancers in France for men and 12e rank for women, skin melanoma is a cancer whose incidence is increasing significantly: the number of cases has more than tripled in 30 years, nearly 80,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. In Brittany, the incidence of skin cancer is three times higher than in the rest of France. Côtes d’Armor, Morbihan and Finistère have excess mortality of 20%, 25% and 34% compared to the national average for men. Among women, we are talking about an excess mortality of 28% in Brittany compared to mainland France.

Do not expose children under 3 years old

From April, UV rays become stronger. You must be vigilant even in cool or cloudy weather and protect yourself from UV index 3 (see box). The prevention instructions from dermatologists consist of a combination of precautions. First look for shade between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m., the most dangerous times. “To avoid cancer tomorrow, protect children who have thinner and more fragile skin to preserve their solar capital. Above all, avoid exposing children under 10 years old, and more particularly before 3 years old. But adults are also concerned and must set an example. »

When going out, covering clothing is the best sun protection (anti-UV clothing exists especially for children). A wide-brimmed hat blocks 70% of UV rays, protecting the head but also the neck and ears. For the eyes, sunglasses must be covering, have an anti-UV filter, category 2 or 3 and bear the CE mark. Finally, even if there are clouds, sun protection cream should be applied – in generous quantities to be effective – on the uncovered parts of the body. It must protect against UVA and UVB and have at least an SPF 30+ index.

Sun or allergies, a useful website

The site goes into detail about the effects of the sun’s UV rays on the skin and ways to protect yourself. To adapt your protection actions from day to day, it allows you to consult the UV index of your city on a daily basis (My UV index section), but also to know locally the air quality index, the level of risk allergy to pollen or the quality of bathing water. And even receive an alert by email in case of vigilance.



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