Our solutions to relieve the feeling of heavy legs

Our solutions to relieve the feeling of heavy legs
Our solutions to relieve the feeling of heavy legs

Heaviness, pain, swelling, tingling… If your legs hurt, these are all signs of a venous system in difficulty. But solutions exist to relieve heavy legs.

Rym Ben Ameur

Written on 05/09/2024

Heavy legs: what solutions? —
The Health Mag – France 5

If your legs swell or tingle when it’s over 20 degrees or if you spend a little too much time standing, you’re probably suffering from a feeling of heavy legs. This is essentially due to poor blood circulation: the blood circulating in the lower limbs of the body then has difficulty returning to the heart as it should normally do.

“Heavy legs give a feeling of fatigue throughout the day, which is sometimes accentuated with edema favored by standing, by the heat, and which gives the impression of legs weighing 100 kilos” describes the Dr Pascal Priollet, vascular doctor. “Today, it’s like a poor adaptation to living conditions, as if people who had heavy legs were people who were probably too sedentary, who didn’t have the necessary muscular activity in their legs” .

But beware of preconceived ideas: heavy legs do not only affect older people, but can also affect younger people.

Easy tips to combat heavy legs

An indication to relieve heavy legs is to wear compression stockings. This is an extremely effective solution, but other effective tips exist.

  • Physical activity will promote good circulation. Walking, swimming, jogging… everything is good!
  • Monitor your diet since being overweight risks increasing the feeling of heavy legs.
  • Hydrate well, at least 1.5 or 2 liters of water per day, especially on hot days.
  • The jet of cold water in the shower going up your legs is also a good idea. In general, the cold brings an almost instantaneous feeling of relief.
  • Elevate your legs using a cushion or by placing them against the wall.

Vein tonics and herbal teas

Different medications or food supplements sold in pharmacies are also recommended to relieve heavy legs.

First of all, venotonics, such as Daflon, Ginkor Fort or even Phleboxan, are effective but must be taken in high doses during attacks and not from time to time in small doses.

Herbal teas for heavy legs made from red vines, nettle, blueberry or blackcurrant are also available. It is not a miracle solution but they allow you to hydrate and increase your water intake and that is why they are interesting. Because the more you drink, the more you improve drainage in your body. You will therefore have less edema and swelling in the legs.

Massage with special creams

Generally speaking, massages also feel good and there are treatments for this. special creams. Some play on the cold effect and if you use them after putting them in the refrigerator, they can provide temporary relief.

Finally, in the event of a major attack, aspirin can improve things by reducing the pain.



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