why do we eat more than we think?

why do we eat more than we think?
why do we eat more than we think?

JI eat little and I am gaining weight. This is what many of us declare. And we seek to explain weight gain by something other than food intake. Certainly, weight gain, and the obesity that can result from it, is a complex and multifactorial phenomenon. But there is a factor that is little known: it is the underestimation of caloric intake. And if we could correct it, we would surely have an easier time stabilizing our weight. We’re going to see this together.

READ ALSO Lose weight: the revolution in anti-obesity drugsWhat has been clearly shown is that the estimate of what we eat is significantly lower than what is ingested. The researchers compared food intake records made by volunteers to the objective measurement of caloric intake using research techniques. The underestimation can reach 50%! Yes, even when we make an effort to write everything down in a notebook, it is not uncommon to observe that we ingest up to double the declared caloric intake.

We have arguments to believe that the tendency towards underestimation has increased over the last decades: we underestimate more today than thirty or forty years ago. And we generally observe that the underestimation is more marked among people who are obese and among those who are desperate to lose weight.

Of course, underestimation is almost always unintentional. It’s not our fault and it’s not q […] Read more



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