How to protect yourself from pollen while cycling?

Published on05/09/2024has08:00

Sunny days often rhyme with cycling trips, however, for those who are sensitive to pollen, this period can also mean an increase in allergic symptoms.

Here are some practical tips for continuing to cycle while limiting your exposure to pollen.

  1. Stay informed : download the “Pollen Alerts” application from the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA) to be alerted in real time on the risks of allergies based on pollen levels.

  2. Choose the routes: During pollen peaks, choose routes where there are fewer trees in flower to reduce your exposure to pollen.

  3. Wear an anti-pollution mask: invest in an anti-pollution mask or scarf to filter pollen. However, avoid too intense efforts as this can hamper your breathing.

  4. Protect your eyes: wear glasses to protect your eyes from allergens and irritation.

  5. Hydrate yourself: make sure you stay hydrated before, during and after your bike ride.

  6. Breathe through your nose: Try breathing through your nose during physical activity, as this can filter out some of the pollen and warm the air before it reaches your lungs.

  7. Wash after: When you return home, wash yourself thoroughly to remove pollen from your clothes and accessories.

Preventative advice:

  1. Consult a specialist: If you experience allergic symptoms, consult a doctor or allergist for appropriate treatment.

  2. Adapt your activity: adjust your sporting goals according to your respiratory state and do not force it if you feel any discomfort.

  3. Use an inhaler: If you have been prescribed a treatment, use it as directed, especially before a bike ride.

  4. Perform a nasal wash: before and after your bike ride, wash your nose with physiological serum to eliminate pollen.

  5. Shift your session: if possible, postpone your cycling session by a few hours or days in the event of a pollen peak.

By following these tips, you can continue to enjoy your bike rides while minimizing the risk of pollen allergies.

Text: Jean-Pierre Giorgi – Photo: Jean-Luc Armand



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