Ticks and Lyme disease: these tips to keep in mind

Ticks and Lyme disease: these tips to keep in mind
Ticks and Lyme disease: these tips to keep in mind

Lyme disease manifests itself within 30 days after a bite from an infected tick and can be noticed with the appearance of a red plaque that extends in a circle. If this happens to you, Dr. Gérald Kierzek strongly recommends seeing a doctor!

Ticks are present throughout France, especially in wooded and humid regions, at altitudes below 1,500 m. And who says “ticks”, sometimes says “Lyme disease”. THE Dr Gérald Kierzek underlines that the risks of contamination are higher during the period from spring to autumn.

In the event of a tick bite, however, don’t worry: if there is no erythema, there will be no Lyme disease!

What can we do for prevention?

Think about these simple actions when you go for a walk:

  • Cover your arms, legs and neck with long clothing;
  • Slip the bottom of the pants into the socks;
  • Wear closed shoes;
  • Once you get home, inspect your skin carefully;
  • Also have a tick remover on hand, available at pharmacies.

Advice from Dr Gérald Kierzek

Join us every morning at 8:50 a.m. Advice from Doctor Kierzek. From managing our stress to our nutrition and even our sleep, he gives you good advice on every aspect of our daily life.

You can also find this column replayed on the HERE app and the Radio France app.



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