a guide to better manage them

a guide to better manage them
a guide to better manage them

Since the 1990s, researchers in psychology and neuroscience have highlighted the role fundamental emotions in the functioning of our psyche. They are not simply episodic reactions, but essential components of our personal balance. The quality of our social interactions, but also our mental and physical health, depends on it.

Contrary to what René Descartes thought, for whom emotions and rationality were two very distinct entities, contemporary discoveries show that they are in dialogue constant with our reason. They influence, often in a subtle and imperceptible way, most of our decisions.

It is in this new and enriching perspective that Psychology of emotions. It offers a detailed exploration of the multiple facets of emotions. Thus, it explains their formation, their evolution, their manifestations and, above all, the strategies put in place by professionals in order to coexist harmoniously with them.

This book thus stands as a guide for all those who seek to understand and better manage this internal landscape.

Human Sciences editions offer us a preview extract:



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